VAS Aero Services, LLC
Supplier Requirements
These requirements establish the certification and documentation required when selling, consigning and/or supplying material to VAS Aero Services, LLC ("VAS"). Material supplied to VAS must be traceable to a prior source and bear acceptable documentation that conforms to at least one of the requirements listed in Appendix A of the ASA Standards. Additional and/or unique requirements may be specified on VAS’ purchase order. It is expected that all requirements will be honored by our suppliers. Any deviations require written approval from VAS Quality Management prior to shipment.
1.0 Approved Prior Sources
VAS defines Approved Prior Sources as follows:
- Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) that are the Production Approval Holders (PAHs)
- All scheduled airlines and operators, including freight carriers.
- Major airframe and powerplant certified repair stations whose capability allows them to perform C & D checks, repair or modify the aircraft structure or repair an engine and/or the major modules of an engine.
- Certified Component Repair Stations provided the material they are supplying is within the repair capabilities of their Air Agency Certificate.
1.1 Non-Approved Prior Sources
VAS defines Non-Approved Prior Sources as follows:
Any sources not meeting the definition above for “Approved Prior Source” are considered by VAS to be "Non-Approved Prior Sources".
- Examples of Non-Approved Prior Sources: surplus parts suppliers, dealers, brokers, aircraft and/or engine leasing companies or certified repair stations selling material outside of their repair capabilities.
2.0 Certification and Traceability Requirements by Part Condition and Description
Factory New
- The original certification from the OEM.
- Appropriate documentation which shall include at the minimum one of the following airworthiness documents: FAA Form 8130-3, EASA Form 1, SEG VOO 003, TC Form 1, or Certificate of Conformance.
- A Packing Slip, Transfer Ticket, or Invoice.
New Surplus (Unused)
- Certification & traceability back to an Approved Prior Source stating that the material is new.
- Appropriate documentation which shall include at the minimum one of the following airworthiness documents: FAA Form 8130-3, EASA Form 1, SEG VOO 003, TC Form 1, or Certificate of Conformance.
- A Packing Slip, Transfer Ticket, or Invoice.
- A material certification form that meets the requirements of ATA Spec 106 or other industry accepted certification. (In the case of a new engine, if not purchased directly from the OEM, a Non Incident Statement (NIS) needs to be included).
Overhauled, Repaired, Inspected or Modified
- Certification & traceability back to the last operator and/or Approved Prior Source, including a non-incident/non-military statement.
- Original material certification form that meets the requirements of ATA Spec 106 or other industry accepted certification stating the part is in the same condition as listed on the Authorized Release Certificate.
- The original FAA Form 8130-3, EASA Form 1, CAAC AAC-038, SEG VOO 003 or TC Form 1 (Dual FAA/EASA release) issued by a repair facility that is approved to perform the repair by the relevant airworthiness regulatory authority.
- Details of work performed or teardown report, including Service Bulletins (SB) number, Modification number or Airworthiness Directives (AD), with revision number and date.
- Name of the service manual and/or part number or ATA chapter reference used to perform the repair and the revision level and revision date of the manual.
- Any repairs incorporated into the part must be repairs listed in the OEM’s service, repair, or overhaul manual. FAA DER 8110-3, Internal Engineering Notices (IENs), Engineering Orders (EOs), Technical orders (TOs) Customer Departure Records (CDR’s), or Departure records (DR’S) type repairs will not be accepted by VAS without prior written approval.
Repairable/As Is/As Removed Material
- Certification & traceability back to the last operator and/or Approved Prior Source, including a non-incident/non-military statement.
- Original material certification form that meets the requirements of ATA Spec 106 or other industry accepted certification stating the part is in the same condition as listed on the Authorized Release Certificate.
- Condition of material stated as delivered on the Material Certification.
2.1 Additional Requirements
Additional requirements are as follows:
- In the event the certification and/or traceability is incorrect, missing or altered, or if the condition of the part is not in accordance with the condition stated on the certification or the condition as stated on VAS’ purchase order, the part(s) will be rejected by VAS and returned for full credit, including transportation costs.
- The original Authorized Release Certificate is required for each line item on the purchase order.
- Multiple part numbers and/or Serial Numbers on a single Authorized Release Certificate (FAA, EASA, SEG VOO 003, TC Form 1 or CAAC AAC-038) are NOT acceptable with exception to engine components of the same stage.
- Manifested attachments with multiple part numbers and/or Serial Numbers on a single Authorized Release Certificate (FAA, EASA, SEG VOO 003, TC Form 1 or CAAC AAC-038) are NOT acceptable with exception to engine components of the same stage.
- If the item is not serialized and the quantity being supplied is less than the quantity in box 9 of the Authorized release Certificate, then a certified true copy of the Authorized Release Certificate will be acceptable.
- The Authorized Release Certificate or Certificate of Conformance must specify all ADs that are represented as having been accomplished, including the AD number(s), AD amendment number(s), and date(s) and method(s) of compliance.
- Hardware items (nuts, bolts, washers, etc.) will only be accepted if the parts are in new condition and in unopened OEM packaging. Industry standard hardware items (NAS, AN, MS MIL, etc.) must be accompanied by chemical and physical test documentation in addition to the traceability documentation listed above.
- Any material identified as being involved in an incident or accident will NOT be accepted by VAS.
- Any material identified as being traceable to any military or government source must be accompanied by an original material certification form that meets the requirements of ATA Spec 106 or other industry accepted certification stating the part is in the same condition as listed on the Authorized Release Certificate with a statement tracing material to a military or government source.
Supplier shall ensure:
- The processes, products, and services to be provided including the identification of relevant technical data (e.g., specifications, drawings, process requirements, work instructions).
- The approval of:
- Products and services.
- Methods, processes, and equipment.
- The release of products and services.
- Competence, including any required qualification of persons.
- The external providers’ interactions with the organization.
- Control and monitoring of the external providers’ performance to be applied by the organization.
- Verification or validation activities that the organization, or its customer, intends to perform at the external providers’ premises; test, inspection, and verification (including production process verification).
- The use of statistical techniques for product acceptance and related instructions for acceptance by the organization.
The need to:
- Implement and maintain a Quality Management system that meets the requirements of ISO 9001, AS9100, 9110, 9120, FAA AC 0056 which will ensure that all delivered products conform to VAS’ Purchase Order Requirements.
- Use customer-designated or approved external providers, including process sources (e.g., special processes).
- Notify the organization of nonconforming processes, products, or services and obtain approval for their disposition.
- Prevent the use of counterfeit parts.
- Notify the organization of changes to processes, products, or services, including changes of their external providers or location of manufacture, and obtain the organization’s approval.
- Required to have ESD handling equipment (mats & wrist strap) for electronic sensitive devices, as applicable.
- Flow down to external providers applicable requirements including customer requirements.
- Provide a certificate of conformity, test reports, or authorized release certificates, as applicable.
- Retain documented information for 10 years from date of sale to VAS, including retention periods and disposition requirements and authorize the right of access by VAS, VAS' customer, and any regulatory authorities to the applicable areas of facilities and to applicable documented information, at any level of the supply chain.'
Ensuring that persons are aware of:
- Their contribution to product or service conformity.
- Their contribution to product safety.
- The importance of ethical behavior.
3.0 Certification requirements for Lot Purchases or Consignments
In addition to the specific certification and traceability requirements listed in this document, certification documentation for lot purchases or consignments must comply with specific contractual or purchase order requirements. When an individual ATA106 material certification or similar document is impractical for each part, a manifest of the contents must contain all of the following information on each page of the manifest:
- Name of the company selling/consigning the material.
- VAS Purchase or Contract number.
- Part Number.
- Serial or Batch Number (if applicable).
- Condition.
- Quantity.
- Name of Mfg. or OEM. and
- Each manifest page must be numbered “1 of x”, “2 of x”, etc., and be signed by an authorized representative of the seller/consignor and dated.
4.0 Certification Requirements for Aircraft/Engine Teardown Parts
- For aircraft/engines parted out by a FAA, EASA, TC or CAAC Certified repair facility, a removal tag bearing the repair facility’s name. Information on the tag must include manufacturer’s part number, serial number (as applicable), part description, quantity, aircraft registration number and/or aircraft manufacturer’s serial number or engine serial number and model number (as the case may be), date removed, reason for removal, and total time and total cycle(s) of the airframe or engine (as the case may be) from which the part was removed.
- The removal tag must be signed or stamped and dated by the repair facility or agency representative performing the disassembly.
5.0 Certification Requirements for Life Limited Parts
All life limited parts must meet the documentation and certification requirements listed above plus the following additional requirements:
- A non-incident statement from the last operator.
- Each life limited part shall be accompanied by a document, produced at the time the part was removed from the engine, module, or aircraft (as the case may be), detailing the manufacturer’s part number, serial number, current total time, and current total cycles. The document shall also include the serial number, total time, total cycles, and model number of the next higher assembly, aircraft, or engine (as the case may be), and must be signed by an authorized representative of the company that prepared it.
- If the part was installed on more than one engine or aircraft, the requirements of the above paragraph must be met, plus disk sheets or log-book entries with the manufacturer’s part number and serial number of the part, plus the serial numbers and model numbers of all engines or airplanes that the part was installed on. All such sources of information (maintenance release tags, disk removal/installation sheets, log-book entries, etc.) must accurately trace the history of all life limited parts back to new.
- Complete history of all vendor/manufacturer/repair facility modifications to life limited parts relative to any service bulletins and/or airworthiness directives which affects part number, life limit or re-inspection requirements.
- For all life limited parts (new or serviceable), one or a combination of the following is required, FAA 8130-3, EASA Form 1, SEG VOO 003, PWA MRP, PWA Transfer Ticket, GE Database report, OEM’s Original build specification document or similar OEM certifying document.
6.0 Hazardous or Dangerous Goods
All hazardous or dangerous goods must comply with the following:
- Any Hazardous and/or Dangerous goods supplied to VAS must be identified, handled, and shipped in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations Title 49.
- Current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must accompany each shipment.
VAS will not accept Raw Goods, Paints, Sealants, Chemical Agents, Oxygen Generators or Explosive devices of any kind!!!
7.0 Packaging/Delivery
All packaging/deliveries to VAS must comply with the following:
- All wood packaging material manufactured out of coniferous and non-coniferous raw wood must meet the requirements of the most recent revision of ISPM 15 regulation.
- Material must be packaged in accordance with ATA 300 Spec, or VAS requirement of 3” of foam or bubble around unit packed in cardboard or wood.
- Packing slips must be on the exterior of each shipping container and enclosed inside the box.
- VAS purchase order number(s) must be clearly visible on outside of shipping container.
- Mixing various VAS purchase orders inside one box is not acceptable.
Please direct all inquiries to the Quality Department:
Telephone: +1 561 995-5892 | Fax: +1 561 998-9714
Thank you for your cooperation!
VAS Aero Services, LLC. Supplier Requirements (Rev 25 08/05/2022)
VAS Aero Services is a leading provider of aviation parts and services. We help keep airlines flying around the world.
Whether it’s landing gear for a commercial jet, or a critical component for the latest turbofan engine, we offer more than 1,000,000 different part numbers to our customers globally.
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Boca Raton, FL 33487